I saw this wall artwork on the wall at Suma Station and loved it! The fashion in Korea is wild!! I'll be coming back with some bold things!!!
We saw this lady walking and she was balancing bags on her head!! Thats some serious talent!!
Waiting for the Subway at 'Suma Station'
Sunday February 14th:
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY EVERYONE <3 x0x0x0x0!!!! This morning was stressful…I woke up and thought I lost my credit card; needless to say I started to panic. I thought I had it with me…but it wasn’t in my purse or any of my pockets. I decided I needed to get a hold of my mom to see if she could cancel it. I skype called her totally forgetting it was 1am Washington time…oops! But my mom is a great mom and she sat and skyped me for about 2 hours trying to help me. She canceled my card, and hopefully I get one soon—THANKS MOM!!! But that’s not the end of it…I went into my bathroom to grab a bobby pin for my hair and of course it was laying face down on my shelf. I was so embarrassed and was annoyed that I canceled it. But I’ll be getting a new one in a few weeks, and maybe it was a blessing in disguise. I turned up my music and started getting read for a Valentine party at Katelan and Chase’s apartment. Tia, Bri and I had to take a taxi to ‘Suma Station’ where we got on the subway (my 1st subway ride ever!) it was really crowded and we all had to stand. A guy named ‘Rome’ introduced himself and asked if we needed any help, he told us where our stop would be and it was actually really helpful! Foreigners here really love to help each other out, it’s really nice!! After the subway dropped us off in the area where Kate and Chase live we called for a taxi. Our taxi driver was sooo crazy. Chase had to get on the phone with him to give him directions and he kept yelling. Korean’s get louder when we don’t understand…but it doesn’t help because WE STILL DON’T UNDERSTAND!! (To think of it, I do that too haha) He kept trying to ask me questions, but I had no idea what he was asking me. He finally dropped us off and we met up with Chase and went back to his place. Bri brought over red valentines glasses that Tanya and her used last Valentines Day. We made a drink in them and all cheers’d to Tanya!! (I miss her everyday and I know she would be so proud of me spending a yr in Korea, I know she visits Bri and I and gives us strength to try new things!) It was a fun night and I’m glad I spent it with Tia and Bri, but I do miss everyone from home and I hope you all had a great Valentines Day <3
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