At club' TAO' for Michelle's bday
Some new Korean friends!
Ohhh Korean fashion!! I loved his hair haha
'TAO' Club! The lights were insane
'The Dublin' Irish bar in South Korea!
We found someone else who is from WA in South Korea!! Crazy!!
Sarah's Bday!!! :)
Monday February 22, 2010
“If you wait to do everything until you're sure it's right, you'll probably never do much of anything.”
“One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.”
These quotes really represent how I want to be in 2010. It’s going on my third week in Korea and I want to see everything and I want to continue to try new things. Every day is so different here and I’m glowing with the positive change Korea has given me. I can’t wait to travel the world…Tia, Bri and I are thinking about going to Guam for our summer week vacation and then Thailand for our winter vacation! I’ve been looking at pictures of both places and I get so excited thinking that I will soon be walking the beaches of those beautiful countries! I’ve also been listening to Bri’s stories about Rome and Tia’s experience’s in Greece and just listening plus being here is giving me the case of the travel bug!!!
This past week has been more comfortable and I feel less foreign…I could definitely get use to this lifestyle! (minus the language barrier… but I’m learning some new words!) On Thursday Me + all the Dongtan girls went out to Korean BBQ for Ta-leah’s (a girl we work with) 10 month anniversary of being in Korea! We took the bus then the subway to Suwan. The food was delicious and very spicy! We ordered two large bowls that cooked in front of us. By the time we were finished (and incredibly stuffed) we were all very satisfied! We decided to walk around Suwan and look at all of the little boutiques and crazy shops. I enjoyed seeing all of the bold fashion and everything is very affordable here. However, the sizes are a bit wack…asain frames are a lot smaller then us in the U.S. and a lot of their clothes is a ‘one size fits all’ which…is a lie haha. Tia and I also cant fit into any of the shoes we’ve looked at so far!! They think size 9’s are huge…lucky Bri w/ her size 6’s!!! After a couple hours of browsing the racks of clothing we got back onto the bus and headed back to our apartments in Dongtan.
On Friday Tia, Bri and I went over to two girls named Alia and Michelle’s apartment. We had met them the previous weekend through Kevin and Daniel and they are really fun and we love their friends too, Heather, Carly and Ani. We had a girls night for Michelle’s 23rd birthday. We played some getting to know you games then called a taxi and went to a club called ‘TAO’. The lights were insane and all of us girls went up on stage to dance. The Korean boys loved us and we felt like celebrities. At one point of the night Bri and I lost Tia for like 10 minutes and it was funny how fast we could spot her because we totally stand out in Korea!! The only thing I didn’t enjoy was the fact that in Korea you’re allowed to smoke cigarettes indoors, it gives you a headache after awhile! I had a blast with those girls, and with Tia and Bri of course. Like I said, I’m so glad we are experiencing this together!!! We had to go home kind of early because we had to be back at work on Saturday for LCI parent orientation.
On Saturday morning we woke up not reallllly wanting to go to work on our weekend but we would be off by 4pm so it wouldn’t be so bad. Work was a whole lot of down time. We had to get introduced to a bunch of parents 4 times but the introductions only took about a minute and we were there from 10am-4pm and it got kind of boring. After work I took a quick nap then got ready to go out for Sarah’s birthday (Another girl that we teach with). The first place we went to was called, ‘The Dublin’ it was an Irish themed bar. The drinks were way over priced. Tia got one ‘Hoegaarden’ and it was $15. So I wasn’t too enthused but it was Sarah’s birthday and we wanted to go where she wanted to go. After that we went to a place called ‘Gecko’s’ which was okay but not my favorite…at this point of the night I was kind of tired and was thinking about going home but then we left and went to a club called, ‘Cacoon’ and I had the best night ever!!! Tia, Bri and I danced the night away to techno and crazy lights. I love dancing and it was so fun!! We ended up meeting a guy from WA (so random and ironic) and he introduced us to his friend and we all hung out and danced. Getting home was a long and tiring trip and all we wanted to do was sleep!!! We all crashed the second we got to our rooms.
On Saturday night we got a new teacher, Andrew, and he’s the only guy in our group of teachers..lucky odds haha! He’s from Canada and seems really nice, it will be exciting to see who we become good friends with!
Today and tomorrow at work we’re just practicing for the kid’s graduation on Wednesday. They all have to memorize speeches and stories…kind of stressful! I love hearing them say their speeches; they are adorable and so smart!! The parents are really intense here with schooling. Most kids go to school until 5pm then go to a sports practice or music class until 7 or 8 and don’t get home until 9pm! Could you imagine?! No wonder they are so smart! I guess once they're done with high school they have a college placement test that they only get ONE chance at. If they don't pass they can't go to college in Korea. So the parents and teachers place a lot of pressure on the kids...super stressful!!!!! Starting in March Brown English School is turning into LCI so I will have my own class all day a real teacher! Until LCI opens I'm taking Daniel's classes because he returned home.
I’ll let you know how graduation goes!!!